Quick Update!

Hey folks, hope all is well out there! Apologies for the delay getting an update out, this last couple of weeks at the day job has continued to be quite a bit of a slog. Here are the current updates:

  • Have continued working on frontend items when I was able to grab some time. Currently finishing up the Everything Else view. In addition to being the primary way to access settings and functions, it also allows to directly grind/heat/pour from outside a standard recipe brew cycle:

  • PCB batch is in and testing will commence on Monday.

  • I will be traveling from the 18th to the 21st.

  • Once Im back I should be done with brew testing and able to finish any remaining assembly work. Iā€™m feeling like it is possible to ship the first official assembled unit out before the end of the month. Not 100% confident in that, but getting there.

  • I will have another update on Thursday the 17th to go over PCB/brew testing results. I will also continue to work on the front end when I can with the intent of having a walkthrough ready to release as soon as possible.

Thanks and I will see everyone in a few days!
